Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT or CT) is a form of psychotherapy that teaches you specific skills to help manage anxiety, mood swings, depression and other problems. CBT is an evidenced based approach and has shown to be effective in over 375 research studies.

CBT is a structured and collaborative approach to treatment that teaches specific techniques to address problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It is based on the assumption that thoughts, behaviors and emotions are interrelated. CBT teaches you specific strategies, skills and tools that you can use to make change, create happiness and achieve your goals. CBT can also help you regulate your emotions, get rid of self-defeating thoughts, and increase your motivation.

In CBT, you are expected to be an active participant in therapy by helping to identify problems, set the agenda for sessions, evaluate new thoughts and behaviors, experiment with possible solutions to problems and complete activities between sessions. The participation in activities between sessions is an important part of treatment and improves the effectiveness of therapy.


Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. DBT is an effective treatment for borderline personality disorder, eating disorders, anxiety, trauma and depression. I offer a modification of traditional DBT treatment. Traditional treatment includes weekly individual therapy, weekly skills training (usually in group), as needed consultation outside of sessions, and weekly therapist consultation meetings. Modified DBT is a less intense form of treatment. I offer individual therapy and individual skills training. Individuals can choose to attend once or twice a week. Individuals may be referred to a DBT skills group in the community or a formal DBT program if necessary.

DBT teaches specific skills to help you regulate your moods, cope with painful emotions, decrease anxiety and increase energy and motivation.